Eran Halfi Ph.D
Research Area:
Hydrodynamics and sediment transport in flash floods in arid and semi-arid regions
Current research:
My current works focuses on the hydrodynamics, bedload and suspended sediment transport in flash flood rivers in deserts. Very little is known or published about the effect of unsteady flow on sediment transport, particularly ephemeral setting, despite its importance for scientific, engineering and environmental aspects. Transport of fluvial sediment affects a variety of issues, from erosion of river banks with settlements and alluvial farming, to erosion of pillars and other structures constructed in the river bed (e.g., dam break, bridge collapse).I examine the hydrodynamic effects on sediment transport. Monitoring consists of innovative equipment including hydrophones and geophones, video cameras, SVR and 3-D velocitmeters enabling high time resolution field monitoring of flow characteristics, suspended matter and bedload transport. We developed a novel method that involves mass-based data aggregation of bedload slot sampler data. By rejecting the use of a constant time-interval, this method significantly reduces “noise” when fluxes are low and avoids masking valuable, high-flux data, thus enabling a truer representation of the temporal variability of flux (at 1 Hz resolution).
- Characterization of the hydrodynamics and bedload flux in flashflood bores
- Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV) technology for water discharge determination in flashflood rivers
- Hydrology of the Ze’elim basin: discharge, application of an existing hydrologic model for the region and recommendation to develop a flashflood alert system for the Dead Sea Works.
- Examine the effect of the new ICL Corporate water transmission system on the Zeelim alluvial fan.